Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Thursday

And their final full day in Cuba!

The itinerary says they will be participating in a "Counter-Cultural Experience" in Old Havana.

Once again, I have no idea what a "counter-cultural experience" might look like but I can't imagine our idea of a "counter-cultural experience" would be in any way the same as the Communist Proletariat Dudes in charge. Hopefully our team has a good translator.

Even though I'm unsure of the activity, I have dutifully found some pictures of Old Havana to share. It appears that Old Havana has two sides.

Here's one side:


and here's the other side:


I wonder which one they'll be taken to?

They'll be on a "walking tour" so maybe they'll be "wandering around" to various places. While they walk they plan to "talk to Father" about all they see and hear. And stuff.

And tonight they'll be spending time with the Cuban Youth, do a final Retreat Exercise, and say goodbye.

I wonder if I'll recognize them when they step off the plane. It's trips like these that tend to change everything.


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